Monday 3 March 2014

Experiments in acrylic paintings-autumn landscapes

I was away on work and had an oppurtunity to visit family too.Whenever I go visiting I come across my earlier paintings. It makes me happy to see my paintings being treasured and put up in special places.
These two were done in acrylic on canvas board and were inspired by my visits abroad during autumn.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Tree - watercolor and ink

One of my very early paintings. Saw it in my friends house  and I dont think I have blogged this one before. It feels great to look back and see what you created along lifes path.

Friday 24 January 2014

How to make a crochet necklace

Hello there the fever for crochet has me in its hold .I finished a beautiful set in black and red 2 bangles,earrings and a necklace today.

The bangles are just chains on an old bangle just to fill the bangle evenly.Sorry I was too lazy to do anything more.
So my turn to be the teacher again.I am explaining today how I made the necklace.Begin with a strong and stretchy elastic string (used for jewelry obviously made in china).OOps! I forgot to cut the elastic one to one and a half inch more than your neck size and depending on how you want to wear it.Attach the chain and the hook and secure it. Now the fun part,we are ready to crochet.The beads are stringed in the thread at this stage.As we did for the bangles bring the knotted end of the crochet thread inside through the elastic Loop we made.You need to make chains on the plastic loop to cover from one side to the other.Its not easy as the thread slides over frequently.You may need to make upto 150  to 200 chains.When you reach the other end one chain turn skip 2 chains single crochet in the third chain ,repeat to the end .The photo is not very clear but if you look closely you can see the elastic loop made first.

The third row begins with a chain and turn.(Chain 2 single crochet into the chain space of the previous row ,repeat 8 times) ,*chain 2 into the next chain space, chain with the bead ,chain 2 into the same chain space,chain 2 into next chain space ,repeat from *until 8 loops are remaining repeat from().Fasten and finish after securing the thread.You can use gum to fix the cut ends .

Have lots of fun making this!
See my other posts so that you cam learn about making matching earrings and bangles

Thursday 23 January 2014

Step by step instructions for a simple crocheted bangle

Here is the instructions for making crochet on bangles.I made this on a mettalic thin bangle which had lost its color and I was about to throw out these. Well I tried out a simple two rows and it came out well. 

First start with a knotted loop. Pull the loop through the bangle and crochet a chain on the bangle .Put enough such chains to cover the bangle evenly.

On completing the full circle slip stitch  on the first chain ,one chain ,skip one chain on the bangle ,single crochet on the next chain. Repeat till you reach the first chain ,slip stitch and fasten and secure the ends.
Do check in my previous post on how I made the matching earrings.

Watch out for my next post  to see how I have made this beautiful red and black necklace and matching earrings.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Tutorial for crochet jewellery an earring

Hi friends I have been crocheting again and really excited to share with you all what I have made in the last few days. After having a look at the crocheted earring images on Google and checking some websites I could make out how I could design and make one. Here is a simple design on a small earring and a matching bangle. you can do it too. 


I used Anchor cotton   green double color thread .I made it to match the green saree I usually wear to office.The bangle is made on an old metal bangle which I was about to throw out.
Here is the the step by step instructions to make these,first lets make the earring.
Materials required for making this pretty earrings are crochet cotton thread size 20, crochet needle size 7(.95mm) ,one bead already stringed in the thread and an earring .The earring I have taken is small with a loop right in the middle.


 Start a chain on the earring by bringing the knotted loop through the inside of the earring.I put 8 stitches on either side of the loop and 2 stitches inside the loop.

So completed 18 stitches to cover the earring leaving the portion that you have to insert in your earlobe.
Chain one turn , single crochet into all the 8 stitches.When you reach the loop chain with the bead and then 2 chains and continue single crochet into the remaining 8 stitches on the earring. End and cut the thread after securing .You can use a little gum to fix the cut ends.


So completed the two earrings see how simple it is .Please notice the portion left without the crochet for inserting in your earlobe.
Hope you like my instructions if you have any doubts please let me know. In my next post I will explain how I made the matching bangle which is as simple as this.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

For the New year 2014

Wishing all my blog viewers a very happy and artistic new year. Hope that we all will be able to keep maximum to our resolutions of painting every day,every week , attempting challenges ,putting up exhibitions etc. Mine is also along these lines , to be able to blog every week and paint every week.I hope I will be able to improve and master more of this colorful hobby.I know I have been away from painting lately and crocheting instead , but I hope to recover and concentrate on the painting.
So I look forward to being in  conversation with you guys and thankyou for visiting my blog, do come again.I combined crochet and watercolor paints to make this new year card.Happy New Year 2014.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Crochet earrings

I am really getting hooked on to crocheting these earrings. Its fun and does not take much time.These are some of the modified designs.I love the way the double color yarns bring out the pattern.Do let me know if you like these. 
Black Beauties

Sea green Connect

Pinky Swirls
Rosy Petals

Lotus Shades